Cooperatively Speaking

PCI Compliance, Credit Card Processing, and Preventing Data Breaches at Your Institution

October 26, 2022 E&I Cooperative Services Season 2 Episode 4

E&I Host: Joe Castelluccio, Director, Business Development
Guests: Deborah Jackson,  Founder and CEO of Arrow Payments

Colleges and universities are like little cities where each department operates with their own business processes and software. Managing the payment systems for each of these locations is extremely complex when you consider all the different ways schools receive payments for things like tuition, dining, libraries, athletics, parking, and donations. It's even harder to ensure all of these locations are following the credit card processing and PCI compliance security requirements. As a result, most higher education leaders are frustrated with the time, experience, and resources necessary to address all of these situations.

In this episode, Joe and our guest Deborah discuss the best ways for schools to reduce costs and streamline payment processing, merchant support, and security to prevent credit card data breaches.

Helpful Resources:

  • Case Study: Northwestern University Overhauls Payments & PCI With P2PE
  • Visit the Arrow Payments website
  • Learn more about E&I's competitively solicited contract with Arrow Payments

Cooperatively Speaking is hosted by E&I Cooperative Services, the only member-owned, non-profit procurement cooperative exclusively focused on serving the needs of education. Visit our website at

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This podcast is for informational purposes only. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host(s) or E&I Cooperative Services.

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