Cooperatively Speaking

Trends, Challenges, and Predictions in Background Screening for Educational Institutions

November 14, 2022 E&I Cooperative Services Season 2 Episode 5

E&I Host: Joe Castelluccio, Director, Business Development
Guest: Maria Moore, SVP of Global Marketing and Strategic Alliances at HireRight 

HireRight recently launched its 15th Annual Benchmark Report based on the responses of over 2,300 human resources and risk professionals worldwide who shared their experiences of background screening, talent acquisition, and remote working over the past year, as well as some predictions for the future.

In this episode, Joe and our guest Maria deep dive into the findings of this report to discuss:

  • Why background screening is important for educational institutions
  • How background screening programs vary around the world, and the most common checks conducted by organizations
  • What an employer might discover during a candidate or employee's background check
  • What organizations should look for in a screening provider
  • How organizations manage their screening programs
  • How the use of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is changing
  • Talent acquisition trends and challenges now and in the future

Helpful Resources:

  • Download HireRight's 15th Annual Benchmark Report
  • E&I's competitively solicited HireRight contract for employment screening solutions

Cooperatively Speaking is hosted by E&I Cooperative Services, the only member-owned, non-profit procurement cooperative exclusively focused on serving the needs of education. Visit our website at

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This podcast is for informational purposes only. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host(s) or E&I Cooperative Services.